April 8: Daisy Day 2/Wegner Crystal Mine

First of all, I promise, Richard really did join us on this roadschool extravaganza. This is where he spends the majority of his days. It is the kids’ “bunkhouse” during the night, and it is Richard’s office during the day. It is an interesting game of Jenga (or is it Tetris?) to make sure the kids have their dirty clothes put away in the hamper, pj’s under pillows, in the morning, and fresh clothes picked out in the evening so that Richard can take over the bunkhouse the following day without interruption from kiddos grabbing clothes from the cabinet behind his desk…By the way, are we placing bets on how ZZ Top Richard’s beard will look by July? Feel free to comment below.

The Office (sans Steve Carrell)

Mother/Nana joined us Wednesday afternoon! Here is our lovely outdoor dining spot.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

While the others played at “home,” Creed and I traveled about an hour to Wegner Crystal Mine to hunt for quartz crystals. That was. so. fun! We did the Crystal Forest Mine for two hours. At the end of the two hours it took all my self control not to pay for another two hours, but there are more adventures to be had so we showed restraint. Creed and I had a blast!

Wegner Crystal Mine
Michael the Archangel wooden sculpture outside the entry
One of my treasures!!
Creed admiring one of his finds after cleaning it.
Our favorite finds
Watching Season 2, episode 1 of The Chosen
A beautiful ending to a wonderful day!

5 thoughts on “April 8: Daisy Day 2/Wegner Crystal Mine

  1. This is SO COOL! Look’s like you and the kids found some great treasures. Praying for you all and looking forward to more posts.

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