I have always been fascinated by the Amish and had hoped to go to Lancaster in Pennsylvania, which has a large Amish population. However, we just could not make that jaunt fit our schedule considering other priorities. The geography wouldn’t cooperate. There is a smaller population of Amish in Ohio, so we were able to make this work better, and there was a BW spot available at a small farm. The hosts were fun to talk with. They had actually homeschooled some as well, and our kids enjoyed playing with their grandson and watching their goats climb and play.
I had hoped to have dinner in an Amish family’s home (Yes, this is a thing), but it was more expensive than I had expected so we settled for a place where you could tour an unoccupied Amish home. Richard was working so the kids and I made the trek…only to discover that they were only open on the weekend. Bummer.

We did enjoy a buggy ride though. You could get tickets through the local inn and a sweet Amish man drove the buggy. His name was Lester, and he was very friendly. The horse’s name was “King.” Lester showed us (from afar) the farm where he grew up. I found it sweet and telling that he said he had “moved away” later in life…to a spot about a mile away from his original home.
Creed & Lester (I asked permission to photograph Lester as some Amish do not want to be photographed.

I’d just been wondering how you got a picture!