April 6-10: Daisy State Park

Daisy State Park has been delightful! We arrived late Tuesday evening, and since then we have had two rainy days and one sunny day. The first rainy day was drizzly and did not stop the kids from tromping around by the lake. Thursday was sunny, and Creed and I spent […]

On Your Mark, Get Set…Go!!!

Twenty-four hours before we left home, my prevailing thought was, “WHAT WERE WE THINKING???” Richard had many things to work on on the camper and a review coming up for work. I was trying to get us packed, finish up our co-op (which I teach for) and Creed had a […]

The School Part

A big question I get when we talk about this trip is: what will the kids do for school?? So obviously we thought this was a must-write post for the blog…First of all, I believe that the experiences themselves are rich with educational opportunities which cannot be obtained in any […]

The overall plan

Where are you going???  This is probably the number one question we have gotten as we shared news of our crazy adventure.  So here is a general idea of what we are planning, although we will have to remain flexible for a lot of it.  First of all, where we […]