Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here are lots of pictures from our days in New York. Be sure to read the captions if you’d like more details…and can you spot Bernie Sanders??
Almost there! First glimpse of Lady Liberty! Our view of her from the RV park in NJ!
Mass transit!
Times Square

See the doggy in his carrier??!
I love light stores! If I get to decorate a heavenly mansion someday, it will have a giant, crystal chandelier!
We spotted some hawks in Central Park! It’s a family tradition to count the birds of prey we spot on trips…as of May 19th we are up to 128!

Evie met Bernie Sanders in Central Park and asked him 137 questions…Ok, that’s not true at all. But doesn’t that look like Bernie!?

Katz Delicatessen–Man, that was an amazing pastrami sandwich!!!!!