On to Maryland we went, staying with friends (K & C) who were both in our wedding. They move pretty frequently for his work so we were happy to get to spend time with them. Some highlights included The International Spy Museum, Mount Vernon, exploring the D.C. area (with C as our excellent tour guide!), finding the gravestone of my grandparents in Arlington National Cemetery, and great food and conversation with these sweet friends.
High on Creed’s list was the International Spy Museum, so that was on the agenda for our first day. I’m hoping he will do a post on this himself.

The next day we toured Mount Vernon with our friends. It was beautiful and awe-inspiring to be touring the home of our first president. One of my favorite parts was the wax figures that were created based on how George Washington might have looked at the age of 19 (as a surveyor), age 45 (at Valley Forge), and age 57 (as he took the oath of office). In creating these figures of our founding father, age-regression technologies were implemented for his likeness at age 19. For his older years they took into account the effects of the dentures he wore which caused distortion in the shape of his jaw. They even gave him a bit of stubble, as he might not have been afforded ample time for a shave while commanding troops at Valley Forge.
Age 19 Age 45 Age 57
C was our incredibly capable tour guide throughout D.C. My favorites were the Lincoln Memorial and the Korean War Memorial. I was saddened by the sight of the White House behind a chain link fence.

Of great personal value to me was searching for my grandparents’ grave at Arlington National Cemetery. My grandfather was a decorated colonel in the Air Force during WWII. He led the Eighth Air Force on a 2000-plane raid over Berlin in 1944. My grandmother served in the Army Nurse Corps during the war. We were humbled to be present for a military funeral which took place a short ways off from their grave.

Sniper guards Chain link :o( Because…chicken!
The fish market We tried the lobster bisque, clam chowder, and crab cakes–Yum!
I am so glad you got to see C&K. I hate that we did not get to visit them in DC but we will be visiting at their next home.