Rain and other delays caused us to have to overnight behind a Cracker Barrel (A lot of them allow campers to do this; you just call ahead to make sure it is okay). Richard had planned to take the whole day off because we had tickets to see Ark Encounter in Kentucky, but one of his meetings was delayed and couldn’t be postponed, so the kids and I ended up going in while he did his meeting in a far corner of the parking lot. There is a shuttle that takes you from the parking lot to the ark. God even gave us a rainy day to add some dramatic effect!

I really was awe-struck by Ark Encounter. They took the measurements and instructions given to Noah in Genesis and recreated the ark. Where biblical information wasn’t available, they researched techniques used in that time period and used artistic liberties to fill in the gaps. That ark really was colossal and gave great perspective as to how much space there was for all those animals and how Noah and his family might have gone about the responsibilities of feeding and caring for so many critters. I highly recommend it! They have a creation museum as well, but it was about 45 minutes away so we opted to only do Ark Encounter.
Thank you, Cracker Barrel in Wytheville, KY! Arrow pointing to camper where Richard took his meeting. Approaching the ark in the shuttle HUGE HUGE REALLY… REALLY HUGE! See the cross in the door? Noah’s family
this is so cool!
When I first saw this Cracker Barrel photo, I thought the building was on fire! 😳 It looks like you’re having a great time!