We spent one BW night on a sweet couple’s property in Minnesota. They gifted us some farm fresh eggs in this cute carton…isn’t it adorable??
The next morning we made our way toward Walnut Grove, Minnesota. Quiz show time!!!! What is significant about Walnut Grove? Here’s your hint:

I’m sure you’ve guessed it by now: one of the places that Laura Ingalls Wilder lived! There was an official museum, but in my internet searches I had also stumbled upon “Sod House on the Prairie.” My great-grandfather lived in a dug out as a boy, so I was very interested in seeing one in person!

There is a difference between a dug out and a sod house, although they are similar. As you can see, this “soddy” has walls that are made of the actual grass sod, like bricks.

The Sod House on the Prairie was created by the current proprietor’s husband who died 4 years ago. Virginia (the proprietor) is such a sweet lady! We had a good conversation. She later told us that she had been down that day and our visit had cheered her. We have been giving our BW hosts little crocheted flower magnets that I made and Season 1 of The Chosen on DVD (a family favorite!). We gave her a flower and DVDs and hope it blessed her.